17 March 2011

Theo and the VW Bus

It's been a while since my last update, but I've been shooting primarily film for the past two weeks.  When I get those developed this weekend prepare for many posts.  I shot with my digital camera for the first time in a while today.  My friend Theo has been begging me to do a photo shoot with his VW bus he got for his 16th birthday and it finally worked out today.

The bus is the definition of Theo in car form, it fits him perfectly.  We went down and took pictures in the parking lot right next to Torrance Beach.

It was a beautiful Southern California sunset, and Theo said this is "how he always watches the sunset or watches anything these days... on top of the bus!"

I miss this kid, and I was so pumped to hang out with him today.  Hopefully in the next few weeks Theo is going to make the drive up to Santa Barbara in the bus and we can go to the zoo (his favorite place).

I took some shots with both my film cameras too. I'll post those when I get them developed this weekend.


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