15 September 2011


Amsterdam is so rad! It’s so far my favorite city we’ve been to on this ridiculous semester traveling Europe. It’s the first real city we’ve been to since London. Real as in not one giant tourist trap (Paris), and it’s not a fairytale (Bruges, Oxford…). It’s a city of real, working, northern Europeans. Yes, some parts of the city aren’t very pleasant, but I talked about that in my last post. Here, I just want to concentrate on the great parts of Amsterdam! 

We stayed in a hostel for the first time on this trip. I’ve actually missed hostels since I left Scotland! You really don’t get the same flavor of Europe when you stay isolated in fancy hotels vs. living in hostels. It was a huge adjustment for most the group, but lucky for them, we got our own Westmont only rooms (instead of sharing a room with random people like usual at a hostel). A few friends and I walked the canals and explored the city for hours on Tuesday. We stopped in a bar, a coffee house (NOT a coffee shop, big difference), and we found a park. We saw Seth Meyers sitting outside the bar we were at, so if he’s here then you know it’s a good city, right?? We found a playground and acted half our ages, but that’s not uncommon at all. 

I now have a favorite artist and favorite museum. We have been studying so much art and artists in our Faith, Witness, and Belief art class, and I’ve concluded that Rembrandt is now my favorite artists we’ve studied so far. We went to the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam and I like it as much, and possibly more than, the Louvre. I’ve never been a fan of Dutch art for some reason. When I go to museums where the art is separated by region, I always go to Italian and French and I haven’t really expanded my knowledge. The Rijksmuseum only had Dutch art, so it forced me to see how amazing it is! The details in these pictures are unbelievable. And nothing can compare to Rembrandt, he is an absolute genius.

I had the best Heineken of my life here! It’s the freshest it’s ever going to get. Heineken has been my favorite beer for a while (until I was introduced to Scottish Tennets last month). I had it here in a few bars, and I went to the Heineken factory! It’s honestly like Disneyland for beer lovers. There was a ride and everything! Best part, free Heineken at the end!!

In Amsterdam, I feel like no one is judging me for being a foreigner while I’m walking down the street. The city has always been known for it’s tolerance (both positively and negatively), and I really saw that during my stay. Plus, there aren’t a ton of fanny pack tourists walking around. It’s a much younger crowd, but still has a big city feel. This is the first city we’ve been to on this trip, besides London, that I could honestly see myself living in one day. I’m also more proud than ever to be a quarter Dutch, thanks Oma!

I’m now on a seven hour train to Berlin! Finally, the city I’ve been most excited for. We’re there for eight days, then Dresden for a night. I cannot believe how fast this trip is flying by. I’m having the most fun I’ve ever had, but at the same time a part of me still misses Westmont. It’s just strange not living in the dorms, being the the Dinning Commons, going to chapel, and being surrounded by everyone I love. There are so many people I miss at home and at school. Plus, Wesley was so close to getting on this trip, it’s tough not having him here when we had planned on it for months. This group has become like a family though. We’re getting so close, and that’s only going to continue. It can be challenging being with the same people 24/7, but I’m learning a lot about myself in the process. 

PS: Oktoberfest starts in Germany while we’re here… oh yeah. (Apparently Oktoberfest starts in September, who knew!)


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