25 March 2012

BW ladies

and now here's some of my favorite women on campus. Any suggestions of what I should do with these 36 portraits?

24 March 2012

BW bros

Black and White Portraits
I took a role of portraits before spring break. I'm trying to think of something creative to do with them, I have 36 so far. In the mean time, here are a few of my favorite men on campus: 

17 March 2012

abandoned pasadena

Abandoned buildings of Ambassador College in old town Pasadena.

16 March 2012

more from Huntington Library and Gardens

garden of cacti

My mom and I ventured to the Huntington Library and Gardens this week and boy was it beautiful! If somebody had told me that the Desert Garden was going to be my favorite I would have laughed in their face. I have to say though, it was freaking tight. So many thorns to watch out for, but it was surprisingly beautiful. Check out some of my favorite plants:

10 March 2012


I am very excited to announce the launch of my new photography blog/showcase dryScotland!

dryScotland will be updated daily with black and white pictures from my summer long adventure through the beautiful country of Scotland. For more information, visit the about page HERE.

I'm still working some last adjustments out so expect it to slightly change over the next few days. Any and all feedback is welcome!

Please feel free to like and share my pictures!

08 March 2012

home in uncertain times

There are truly few things better than coming home to your own bed after a string of near sleepless nights. That was Tuesday night. My health has been steadily declining for over a week, making a good nights rest impossible. Even now that I'm home, sleep hasn't come easy. By back hasn't been this bad in a long time. I went to my doctor at USC hospital and he's starting me on some new medications and I've scheduled experimental procedure #13 for June.

I ask you friends for your prayers in these uncertain and painful days. Hopefully the rest of a slightly extended spring break will reset my mind, body and soul.

Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal. 
-2 Corinthians 4:16-18

04 March 2012

I really hate sunset pictures.

That being said, it's impossible to escape the beauty in Santa Barbara and the magnificent and stunning sunsets here. Wesley, Matt and I went down to Butterfly Beach saturday for a few hours and watched the sunset. Oddly enough (and annoyingly) the sun doesn't set over the ocean up here. Since it's a south facing beach, it feels like the sun is setting to the north since I've grown up with the sun always setting over the water. The whole south facing beach thing throws off my entire sense of direction - ocean does not equal west. Butterfly still faces south but it's the only place that gives you a good view to the west.