31 January 2011


Full disclosure: 99% of the time, I hate basketball.

That being said, I love watching my team win. Westmont beat Biola 71-67 last week in what I must admit was a thrilling game.  

30 January 2011


A very wise friend of my once wrote: "don't trust the words of a man who loves his life more than yours" -Jeffrey Philip Nelson

I trust these three people (Wesley, Sarah, Erica) with my life, and I know we love each others lives far more than our own.  The other night the four of us stayed up until the sunrise at the beach.  We talked about everything in our lives: our past experiences, present struggles, and future plans.  Of everyone at Westmont, these three know me to the fullest extent.  God has truly blessed my life by giving me these three friends, along with every other amazing friend I have at this school.


There's just something unique about using a film camera that's unexplainable.  You really capture a moment in time, you have one shot at it.  I'm using my mom's old film Olympus iS-3 DLX that she had used for as long as I can remember.  It's been pointed at me for my entire life, and it's surreal now being behind the lens.

27 January 2011


I don't want this to just be a place where I post random pictures I've taken, I want there to be something more behind it. I haven't figured that out yet, so here's a picture I took and like in the mean time.

26 January 2011

new notions

new year, new notions.

I'm starting over, starting clean.  I'm still looking for a direction to take my notions: a theme, a story, a goal...