28 January 2012


One of my favorite small towns in Scotland: the port city of Oban. Best seafood in the country

27 January 2012

26 January 2012

Loch Long

Ancestral lands in Scotland: Arrochar on the banks of Loch Long.

16 January 2012

pictures for Anna

My very good friend Anna is studying abroad in Istambul (being jealous doesn't even begin to describe how I feel about that). She deleted her facebook, but is demanding to see pictures of my new room at Westmont.

Well Anna, here they are (see if you can find yourself...):

week one and my coffee addiction

Well, I've fully moved back to Westmont College with a new dorm and a new roommate. This has been one of the most overwhelming weeks of my life. So naturally my coffee intake has greatly increased in the past few days.

01 January 2012

2011: the best year of my life

I can safely say that, without a doubt, 2011 was the best year of my life. I've spent a lot of tonight looking back through my pictures and I can't believe what I have done in the past 365 days. I fell in love with my school and enjoyed every moment of my final months of freshman year at Westmont. When I think about all of the people I have met and the friends I have shared this year with, all I can say is that I am so blessed!

It's hard for me to just pick out a few highlights since every day was memorable. Some of the very best moments were during surf trips along the central coast, countless moments dancing (school sponsored or just because), directing Page Men Spring Sing and winning Best Men, and a road trip with three of my best friends. And that's just the first six months!

Don't even get me started on my countless memories traveling through Scotland with my sister seeking out long lost relatives and visiting as many castles and cemeteries as humanly possible. Then traveling through 10 countries in Europe for a semester with 45 AMAZING friends. Then the icing on the cake: one month in Israel/Palestien that will forever help define who I am and what I do.

I just can't believe what a blessing 2011 was, and I cannot wait to see what the Lord has in store for me in 2012. Most New Years are bitter sweet for me because I usually have hated the past year, but I'm excited and praying the next will be better. This year is different because I absolutely loved the past year so much, I can't imagine what this next year is going to be like! 

Happy New Year!

2011, best of: