13 July 2011

going abroad

Sitting at LAX, ready for constant traveling from now through December.

Scotland, England, France, Belgium, Netherlands, Germany, Chez Republic, Poland, Austria, Italy, Greece, ISRAEL, and Palestine await!!! 

I'll be updating this blog as much as possible (whenever I find decent wifi), with pictures and stories of my adventures. I usually only post film pictures, but over the next few months I'll have to switch to digital. I'm still taking film pictures, but they won't be developed until I return home. I'm so excited for the next six months, it's difficult for me to put it into words.

I'm first flying to London to meet up with my sister, Janelle.  From London we'll take a train up to Scotland and explore the homeland for over a month! I'll cover Edinburgh, Dundee, St. Andrews, Aberdeen, Inverness, Stirling, Loch Lomond, Oban, Fort William, Glasgow, and where ever else we decide to venture. In mid August, Janelle will fly back home and I'll stay in London with my Europe Semester team. We'll travel together all over Europe for three months, and spend our final month in Israel and Palestine. 

Well, that's it for now I guess.  My plane should be boarding soon to London. Wish me luck, and pray for me!


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