15 July 2011

well hello there UK

After one of the most delightful plane rides of my life, I arrived safely and easily into the United Kingdom at last.

I'd forgotten how awesome London is.  I met up with Janelle and we went to ZERO touristy attractions. We just walked around, basically to the point of getting lost, and saw real London and talked with real Londoners.  We tried out a few pubs and talked to some fascinating people.  Then came the main event of day one... HARRY POTTER at midnight! I guess technically it was the beginning of day two, but whatever.  Even though I didn't really sleep on the plane, I wasn't going to miss out on seeing the epic finally of Potter in 3D IMAX on the largest screen in the UK.  But more on Harry Potter in a later post.

It has really yet to hit me that I'm going to be away for as long as I am.  The next five months are going to be legen - wait for it - dary! 


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